Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012
Join the Pack - PandaMania VBS! What happens when a pack of fun-loving panda bears invades? A wild celebration of God’s unconditional love! Start the summer off with First Presbyterian Church’s PandaMania Vacation Bible School, June 6th-9th! All children age 3 through 5th grade are invited. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for VBS-Pandamania-DVD-Party Time Sing & Pla DVD at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
How are you doing? �Things here have been busy. We got 2 new baby boys about 2 weeks ago- both 6 months old. One is a result of an abortion. He was born premature and he has a small brain and a weak heart. �He’s been sleeping in my room at night. I haven’t been getting too much sleep as he wakes up every few hours. The other little boy has digestion problems. I attached pictures of them.
Group Vbs Pandamania
The juvenile prison girls are wonderful. They work hard and are really enjoying their time with us. �Unfortunately, the mother and her little girl moved out yesterday. �The mother (Pim) quit her job as a cleaning lady and wants to find another job- possibly at a karaoke bar- which are usually brothels. She took her little girl to live with the grandmother (the one who sold Pim to a man when she was younger). We’re praying that no harm will come to this little girl while living with the grandmother.
The team from Arkansas helped out a lot even though they were only here for 1 week. The 2 little baby boys came while they were here so they got to see firsthand how we get weak and sick babies.�
You might have heard that I was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago. A motorbike ran a red light an hit my driver’s side door. I got to see him and his young daughter close up as they crashed into me. �Thank God no one was hurt. They didn’t even fall off the bike. �Since it was the guy’s fault, he paid for all the damages. He had his mechanic friend work on it and now it looks great. �I did burn my leg on the motorbike exhaust pipe while we were talking to the police, but the leg is almost completely healed. �Praise God the police believed me instead of the man who was clearly lying an had been drinking.�
The air quality is a little bit better. We had a few days of rain. It has been very hot though, with high’s in the upper 90’s. �
Thank you for sending out the check. �I’ll let you know when my sister receives it.
OK- I need to go, the baby is starting to wake up and cry.
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012
Hello from Thailand!! �Nice to hear from you!! �

He's Wild About Us
Yes, I would love to meet with the family in June. �Is this Eric Yang and his family? �Yes, please feel free to give them my e-mail.
I was planning to do La Vida with the youth but I think that has been canceled. �I will travel around the east coast in June until early July but stay mainly in Massachusetts. �Afterwards, I will fly out to the west coast to see my family and friends there.
I’m still checking out options for housing�accommodations. I will let you know how that goes.
Here are a few updates and prayer requests:
1. The little girl Kat left with her aunt in February (1 month after they said they were taking her). �She was happy to go and we got a call from the aunt the day after saying she was doing well. We haven’t heard from them since. Please pray she continues to thrive there.
2. We took in 2 juvenile prison girls 1 month ago. They live with us and work for us. Things have been working out very well. They enjoy it here so much. I took them to a praise concert last month and one of them has even gone to Thai church. �Please pray they continue to gain self-confidence and a strong work-ethic.
3. We also took in a 23 yr-old woman and her 13 month old daughter. �When the woman was a teenager, she was sold by her mother to a relative for sex. �She was rescued about 6 years ago and has been care for by different Christian foundations. �Now she lives with us and is working as a cleaning woman at an international Christian school. We take care of her daughter while she works. Please pray we have a positive influence on her and that she learns to persevere and not take the easy way out.
4. The air in Chiang Mai had been very bad, lots of pollution due to farmers burning their fields to clear it out. They measure it on the PM10 scale. A score below 50 is considered safe. �Chiang Mai has been scoring over 200! �Some places over 300, which is very unsafe. �The highest score recorded for Los Angeles has been 107 or so. �Praise God that rain finally came tonight that will help clean the air. This rain was actually man-made. �
5. We have a team of 30 people from Arkansas coming this Friday. They will stay for 1 week volunteering at our home doing yard work, painting swing sets and walls, playing with the kids. Please pray they have a safe journey and can adjust quickly to the hotter climate and different foods.�
Pandamania Vbs Dvd Free
Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns. �I so look forward to coming home in 3 months!!
Pandamania Vbs Group
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012
Hello dear friends!
Happy New Year from Thailand!!
It’s always sad when a child leaves, but usually they are adopted to another country. Tomorrow we say goodbye to a little girl who will be staying in Thailand.
We found out last Friday that the mom of our oldest child (Kat- who’s 4) wants her back and is coming to get her tomorrow- Tuesday. We have very mixed feelings about it, but Kat is absolutely thrilled to be getting a “new” mom. She’ll say, “I’m going with my new mommy. I won’t be here anymore.” Then she’ll ask me if I’m going to pray for her and if I’ll miss her. I say, “Yes, of course I’ll miss you and pray for you!” Then she’ll tell me how she loves me and how she’ll go swimming, to the beach and shopping with her new mom.
We have no idea what her life is going to be like after she leaves. She’s had no contact with her mother since she was left at the orphanage. We don’t know anything about her mom or her current situation or even past situation. We don’t know if there’s a dad or any siblings. I hope she’ll be understanding as to why this child speaks English and hardly any Thai.
**Please pray Kat will get the care and love she needs. I want to think that this will be good, but I’ve seen so many parents exploiting and hurting their children, making them beg and sell things on the streets. It pains me to think Kat might be out there one day. We have another little girl (Ying- 2 yrs old) whose mom also wants her back. She said she cleaned up her life, but someone who knows her very well has seen her back out on the street using drugs and selling herself. Connie even talked to Ying’s father (also a prostitute) who very strongly says not to give Ying back to the mom because she will sell her. When they found Ying (at 3 months old) she was in a cardboard box while the mom was out working.
Also, Kat has thalassemia, a medical condition where she needs to get her blood count checked regularly and cannot eat foods rich in iron like pork, nuts, green leafy vegetables, instant noodles, raisins, watermelon (a lot of the foods typical in a Thai diet). She’s already had 1 blood transfusion in the 3 years she’s been with us.
Decorating For Pandamania Vbs
**Please pray for Kat’s mom- I’m sure she’s just as nervous as we are. Pray she has patience and understanding with Kat.
**Please pray that they would be happy together and Kat can be light to her family. If you ask her who loves her the most in the world, she’ll say, “Jesus loves me the most!” 🙂
The children love singing the song, “He Knows My Name” since last summer when I came home with the CD and DVD from Group’s PandaMania VBS. I’ve been thinking about this verse in regards to Kat and trusting in it:
Pandamania Vbs
Kat has a Maker

Before even time began
Thanks for your prayers. Here are 2 pictures of Kat 1) When she first arrived 3 years ago when she was 14 months old 2) On her 4th birthday a few months ago