Best In Slot Arms Warrior Gear
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Alternative:[Green Tinted Goggles] - Requires [Green Tinted Goggles]
Enchantment:[Lesser Arcanum of Constitution] - Quest: [Libram of Constitution] or [Lesser Arcanum of Voracity] - Quest: [Libram of Voracity]
Best in Slot:[Scout's Medallion] - Requires Honored Reputation with [Warsong Outriders].
Alternative:[Defender Spaulders] - World Drop
Enchantment:[Fortitude of the Scourge] or [Fortitude of the Scourge] - Dropped by [Sapphiron] in [Naxxramas].
Alternative:[Glowing Lizardscale Cloak] - Dropped by [Skum] in [Wailing Caverns].
Enchantment:[Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility]
Best in Slot:[Blackened Defias Armor] - Dropped by [Edwin VanCleef] in [The Deadmines].
Enchantment:[Enchant Chest - Greater Stats] or [Enchant Chest - Major Health]
Best in Slot:[Steel-Clasped Bracers] - Quest: [The Book of Ur]
Enchantment:[Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina]
Alternative:[Hulking Gauntlets] - World Drop
Enchantment:[Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility]
Alternative:[Deviate Scale Belt] - Requires [Deviate Scale Belt]
Alternative:[Leggings of the Fang] - Dropped by [Lord Cobrahn] in [Wailing Caverns].
Enchantment:[Lesser Arcanum of Constitution] - Quest: [Libram of Constitution]
Alternative: [Silver-Linked Footguards] - World Drop
Enchantment:[Enchant Boots - Minor Speed]
Best in Slot:[Seal of Sylvanas] - Quest: [Arugal Must Die]
Alternative:[Meadow Ring] of the Bear - Dropped by [Bluegill Murloc] in [Wetlands].
Best in Slot:[Legionnaire's Band] - Requires Honored Reputation with [Warsong Outriders].
Alternative:[Meadow Ring] of the Bear - Dropped by [Bluegill Murloc] in [Wetlands].

Best in Slot:[Insignia of the Horde] - Requires PvP Rank 2 (Grunt)
Alternative:[Minor Recombobulator] - Requires: [Schematic: Minor Recombobulator]
Alternative:[Protector's Sword] - Requires Honored Reputation with [Silverwing Sentinels].
Alternative:[Legionnaire's Sword] - Requires Honored Reputation with [Warsong Outriders].
Enchantment:[Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing]
Alternative:[Redbeard Crest] - World Drop
Enchantment:[Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina]
Best in Slot:[Night Reaver] - Dropped by any monster that is level 21 or higher in [Shadowfang Keep].
Enchantment:[Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing]
Alternative:[Outrunner's Bow] - Requires Honored Reputation with [Silverwing Sentinels].
Alternative:[Outrider's Bow] - Requires Honored Reputation with [Warsong Outriders].
Enchantment:[Sniper Scope]
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Comment by Celeriok
Relic list has not been corrected since before prepatch and the changes of the artifact weapons. Today, best relics are earned only in Argus (the Boss), cause the lack of artifact traits.Sorry for my bad english ^^.